Morecast (made by Ubimet GmbH)

To my satisfaction I use F-Secure as safety package for my Android GSM. On this smartphone I also installed weatherforecast program Morecast. F-Secure reports that this is an unsafe application. Can you look into it and check wheather this is a real thread or a false alarm? Thanks beforehand.
Hi Wim1231,
Please get in touch with our labs via SAS to report about the application. If it is a false positive, the labs will analyze it and update the rating accordingly.
Dear all,
I tried to submit the url via SAS and via support request, but I cannot submit these messages because the upload button remains red and blocked. Perhaps this works?
I have your product installed on my cellphone. I have (as far as i can see) a false positive on the app morecast, which I use on my cellphone and Ipad to my satisfaction.
The URL I tried to submit reads: -