Website reputation checker

I note that F-Secure currently has the Website reputation checker ability.   I assume this is managed in-house and wonder if there is any future plans to incorporate or utilise the WOT toolbar / reputation data into your service?


  • Yes, this is managed by F-Secure. We are looking into ways to develop and improve the service, but we don't have plans to integrate WOT toolbar or reputation data at the time being.



  • If I understand you correctly ..


    In fact we do utilize reputation information in our products. Take for example "Browsing Protection" in Internet Security 2011 or Client Security 9.11. When searching with Google, etc. you will see the websites are marked "green" "red" or "unknown", just like WOT would do it. A very short demo here: - actually this shows "Exploit Shield" which is even more of an added layer to security but the principal of blocking the site is still true here.
    - jackma

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