Persistent renewal requests

I renewed my F-Secure subscription on 3 January 2017 for three computers and almost every day, I receive rnewal notices, now with imminent expiry, on all three. I enter the key and the message tells me the subscrition is valid until 31 december 2017, then next day, another renewal notice. How can this be resolved?
Have you checked in your SAFE Portal that the valid and correct subscription is displayed?
Are these email notifications, or are you getting on-screen popups from within the program?
If on-screen popups, then it might be worth right clicking the system tray icon (by your clock), and select Check for Updates, as this should force a sync with the licensing server, and may stop the popups.
If you're getting email notifications, or your SAFE Portal is not showing the correct subscription, then I can only suggest that you raise a Support Ticket and get them to check your account status.