Synology Surveillance Station Live View not working when F-Secure is installed

Mr_Stupid Posts: 3 New Member



I have a current Synology NAS System used as Surveillance Station with the Synology Surveillance Station app in Version 7.2.4 or 8.0.0. The Live View is a browser plugin executable.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Synology\SurveillancePlugin\\SurveillancePlugin.exe


It is not possible to view the live image of the camera when F-Secure AntiVirus is installed. If I uninstall F-Secure it is working immediately.

If I make an exclusion in AV for the file or folder it makes no difference. I cannot see more options than doing this.


F-Secure 16.5
Common Component Framework 2.76 build 212

CCF CUIF 10.11 build 134
CCF DAAS2 1.10 build 646
CCF Guts2 2.05 build 134
CCF Upstream 2.02 build 681
CCF Diagnostics 9.05 build 278
CCF Scanning 1.73 build 275.1078
CCF Network 1.04 build 214
CCF Reputation 2.1 build 1342


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    If you have something as F-Secure IS or F-Secure SAFE (and not just F-Secure AV) - so maybe your F-Secure installation have next option:



    There was (under the community) some known troubles about access to the video-stream (from cameras or services); and with some of steps it was possible to fix by "disabling" this option;


    Not sure if it can be valid for your situation; And not sure about potential reasons (but it can be as workaround, than just uninstall or totally disabled F-Secure);


    And if there is just F-Secure AV solution... so will be interesting to think "why there is trouble" (just if re-check about DeepGuard feature/settings under the main settings); But anyway - will be good - if there will be normal direct response from F-Secure team.




  • Mr_Stupid
    Mr_Stupid Posts: 3 New Member

    yes, it's only F-Secure AV installed so there is no "Firewall" Option in the settings.

    Probably F-Sec AV is just a castrate of F-Sec InternetSecurity with limited front end so in the background some kind of network traffic is still scanned and blocked without an option to allow it. Funny enough nothing is logged.


    Disabling DeepGuard (what ever it does) makes no difference.


    With TrendMicro Products this problem does not appear on an other computer so it's no problem of AV-Vendors in general



  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Yes, F-Secure AV is mainly as traditional AV-solution.


    F-Secure Internet Security is about AV-module and Browsing Protection-module; But also F-Secure IS (or F-Secure SAFE for desktops) should be with some additional features to AV-module.

    So there can be different points between them (and not likely that F-Secure AV should be with something, which not visible under the settings - but can to block something; at least... on current time).


    I think that you able to try use F-Secure support by their channels:  (phone-call or chat);

    Or maybe there (under the community) can be response from F-Secure team (or F-Secure community team); Maybe it can to take more time.



    Some suggestions:



    I just think that.... because your situation about certain F-Secure AV... and disabling DeepGuard did not help (DeepGuard is kind of complex HIPS module); Maybe you able to re-check some points else?



    --> Your words have point that if F-Secure AV uninstalled - all work normally. And when installed - not work;

    But do you able to try use feature ("turn off all security features") under the F-Secure AV?

    Not sure - if this feature still (?) there with F-Secure AV, but it should be under the Main UI -> Tools-tab;


    --> Your words have point that you tried to use exclusion lists, but on current time F-Secure AV/IS can be with design, when there is two different exclusions-lists (for manual scanning and for real-time scanning); I can to think that there is can be helpful exclusion-list for the real-time scanning.

    And I also... maybe there is should be research about first point (with meanings - if with disabled status for the F-Secure AV - situation fixed; maybe you able to understand which file/files should be excluded);  It can be not about certain "destination" of software, but already drivers (from this software) under the system folders as example.




  • Day-Tona
    Day-Tona Posts: 1 New Member

    Hi, I had the same issue with Synology Surveillance Station Live View not working when F-Secure is installed.

    I could only use LiveView if I went into the F-Sucure Tool menu and click on "Turn off all security features". While Liveview was running I could click on "Turn On" and Liveview kept working untill I closed it. I had to do this every time to be able to use Liveview, so it's only a workaround and not a solution.


    I contacted F-Sucure through the chat function and a great help named Sethu fixed the problem on my pc by renaming two Fsni**.sys files inside the F-secure folder in Program Files(x84).

    After this action and a reboot, i'm now able to start Synology Surveillance Station Live View and see my cameras without any problems.

    So maby F-Secure can create a knowledgebase artikel so people are able to fix this problem themselfs.


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