Block adobe autoupdater

This topic will be about Adobe Auto updaters software.Since they have many produts linked to this kind of updaters software,and I have a Safe licence I will post in this forum.
But however,what many people don´t even know is that many of Adobe´s software (such as a pdf-file)can be used as a troyan/randsomware.Not many are so aware of this risk,but now matter the facts. In my opinion and common sense is how can a premium software company protect/defend masked and potential security risks?? For me this have no common sense.
I´ve even tried to get rid of/stop this kind of software,but failed all the time. But what I know today is that one kind of updaters software is conected to Adobe Photoshop 9,and rest of them are linked to/or Adobe Flash player,Adobe DC reader. All of them are freeware that I´ve downloaded directly from adobes web.So what I´m up to is why don´t F-sercure do something about this?? Atleast I´ve got some sort of warning,but NO. But what´s more strange about this is that I´ve never agreed or wanted this kind of software. So it seems that whether or not this kind of software will be downloaded.It´s also strange that Adobe itself doesn´t have any avalabe support for their softwares,and defends old failures from unsuccesfull programers.
Those programs that I´ve located is: AdobeARM.exe, AdobeUpdater.exe,reader_sl.exe,AAMUpdaesNotifier.exe.
All of this programs gets me quite anoying,and cost more damage than it´s woth.
But however what many inexperienced users don´t know it that a update don´t solve many issues.It just overwrite an existing file.So the only way to solve an issue is to erase and buid up a new file/structure.
So what I´m in to is why don´t F-secure create a security warning for this kind of software?
Hi Thompa,
Automatic updates can help in keeping your computer protected, as security issues and new vulnerabilities can be fixed by the developers and rapidly distributed to the consumers by updating or overwriting existing files automatically.
While we encourage automatic updates to be turned on, specially for the Operating System and other critical software, some users or organizations may prefer to check manually for updates.
Adobe provides ways to configure the behaviour of the automatic updates feature in their website. Here are some links that may assist you in disabling the automatic update features for Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash Player. For other products please refer to Adobe's website or Adobe's customer support.
At the same time, the License Terms displayed to the user during the software installation describe the functionallity of the automatic updates, which the user accepts when installing the products. License Terms for Adobe software are available in their website:
Automatic updates are a convenient way to stay protected agains the latest exploits; but if you would like to opt for manual updates instead, we would recommend to manually check for updates on a regular basis. Keeping your software updated is one of our key recommendations in keeping your devices protected.