Does Freedome work with Google chrome ?

swaps1122 Posts: 2 New Member

Just had freedome for a year and went to the renew page with seemed to indicate that Freedome does not work with Google chrome. Have I just paid for a year and had almost no protection ? Most of my internet is done on goole chrome.  If this is the case this was never made clear to me at any point, so in effect I have paid for nothing !


Thanks Alan


  • Hi swaps1122,


    Could you please explain what indicated that Freedome is not working with Chrome in the renew page? If Freedome is on, it protects your connection in the Wi-Fi network by making your data unreadable for outsiders (even the traffic from Google Chrome).

  • swaps1122
    swaps1122 Posts: 2 New Member

    Cant find the link now but when I went to sign for another year it named a number of browsers and had a no against google chrome. I thought all traffic was encrypted but from this page it gave me the impression that anything done in chrome was not ?


    Thanks Alan

  • Hi swaps1122,


    Indeed, once Freedome is on, the traffic is encrypted. Freedome creates a secure, encrypted connection from your device to the F-Secure Cloud.


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