No Freedome GUI on Windows 7 - only a white rectangle

SafeOtter Posts: 2 New Member

I am running a fully patched Windows 7 box and for over a year, cannot use Freedome because I don't get a GUI - just a thin white rectangle where the top left section of  the GUI should be.  It must be starting or running because I do get messages when new Freedome versions are available and I do the update, but still no GUI.  It did work at some point a long time ago and I use it successfully on many other Android and one Win10 box.  Thanks ...


  • orion2
    orion2 Posts: 1 New Member



    I have the same problem.

    - Last version freedome exe.

    - Windows 7 professionnal


    Could you give a issue ?



  • Hi, 


    Could you try to update the drivers of your graphic cards? 

    On some old hardware you might need some older version to be able to display the GUI. In those cases, please get in touch with our support.

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