Missing logo and Descriptions

Have some issues, and then i saw this...
There is some process that not have the F-Secure logo.. and seen from the endpoint, - i thinks thats bad.
File :
ulu.exe (Missing description) (please give program a easy to see title)
ulu_handler.exe (Missing description) (please give program a easy to see title)
fs_ols_ca.exe (please give program a easy to see title)
fsadminaccess_32.exe (please give program a easy to see title)
install.exe (under folder ...\ultralight ?? ) (please give program a easy to see title?)
Looks like that this is temporary file/processes (if you do not able to get information about them?!). And I think that related with on-the-fly update actions as upgrade/update.
But anyway I not sure about some points.. at least if we talk about:
-> ulu.exe
-> ulu_handler.exe
-> fs_ols_ca.exe
-> fsadminaccess_32.exe
There is missing kind of "logo", but there is description (with name of file, build-number, signed cert, name of company); And file-name not totally random too.
-> install.exe
With logo and also I can to see there is description for information. But maybe based on which module there. I not check all of them, but each install.exe probably should related with certain module.
Or you mean that this is not enough?
Sorry for my reply.
Good if there will be response by F-Secure.
Since those processes are run in system context, there are no icons in the resources. That is common, just look at Windows's own processes. All of the mentioned files have descriptions and versioning, but what is more important, all of them are cryptographically signed by F-Secure.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products