Release Notes?

So what happened? You just pass on comments from valued users, but no action nor feedback for 3 months?! Fantastic customer support....not?!
Today I got a prompt to update from v1.10.x to 1.14.x but I have ZERO idea as to what the changes were and why. I also have zero idea what happened in the 3+ intermediate releases, if indeed there were any such releases. I use Freedome most days and I had NO requests to update the software before.
This kind of lack of transparency creates doubt with users, even suspicion. F-Secure claim they produce products that protect against hackers and nation states, yet they are losing credibility with me - no transaparency = no credibility. Period.
What's going on there Mikko? Your good reputation is being placed at risk because your company is showing some signs of failure.
Hi Pizzaman,
Regarding the versions, we just released the 1.14 version for Windows. The previous version (1.10) came out in mid January and versions between 1.10 and 1.14 have been Mac releases only. There are no upgrade messaging improvements in this version.
Rest assured, our team is considering in which ways we could improve the upgrade messaging as this also involves localization in different languages. However, we have no new update about that. -
While I do not concur with the rather harsh wording chosen by Pizzaman, I would also appreciate some kind of minimum information as to what has changed.
By “minimum” I am referring to the kind of information usually provided on Google Play. If there are just some bug fixes or performance improvements that this information is sufficient for me. Yet, if your dependencies or requirements change then I’d like to have this information before installing it. Also, if new features are coming aboard or old features are being depreciated then I’d like to know about that and not find out about it by trial and error. I am not asking for much. Maybe just a line or two per version suffice.
Please note that this is usually also a great sales perk. If some is wondering whether or not he / she should consider purchasing a subscription and then you can show all the things you have changed / implemented in the past then people are much more likely to come aboard as they appreciate all the (documented) effort you put into your tools.