Freedome: Auto-On Feature

Vetraci Posts: 156 Adventurer

Missing an Auto-On Feature: As soon as connecting to a public wifi (Café, Airport,Train station, etc.) Freedome turns on automatically and secures my connection. 


If Freedome can't connect and secure my connection in public wifi, there should be some kind of notice to let me know that Freedome is not on. Freedome could also block wifi connection in this case (if there is no vpn connection to my favorite location server possible).


  • CedricVonTaipei
    CedricVonTaipei Posts: 2 New Member

    Similar request. So far, our device using F-secure can't be considered 100% safe as there is the risk that employees would deactivate the protection. It would be precious to have an option to force secure connection, and to lock the F-secure settings with an admin password.  The time when update runs also seems to be a weakness and a screen telling "you are not protected" isn't very satisfactory. As the update was previously downloaded under protection, I believe F-secure should block connections at during softwares update. 

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.

    I'm also only F-Secure user (their home solutions). And I'm not really friendly with Wi-Fi networks (do not use them too much).


    I think that it is a good feature request, but... does there is any reasons for autoconnect to unknown or public Wi-Fi? Or does it limitation of system platform where it is not possible to configure?


    Similar request. So far, our device using F-secure can't be considered 100% safe as there is the risk that employees would deactivate the protection. It would be precious to have an option to force secure connection, and to lock the F-secure settings with an admin password. The time when update runs also seems to be a weakness and a screen telling "you are not protected" isn't very satisfactory. As the update was previously downloaded under protection, I believe F-secure should block connections at during softwares update.


    Sounds that your experience about "F-Secure Freedome for Business" -> and with such view -> probably good points of potential unclear troublemeanings.

    But what about "Update" -> with Windows and Home version -> Freedome will create prompt about fresh available builds -> but it should be allowed by user for installing it (and, as result, temporarily?! disabled?! VPN connection).

