iOS10 VPN issues

D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

Has anyone else issues with VPN and iOS 10, when on demand VPN is active the wifi connection drops and the phone uses mobile data. it switches back after >15 sec.


  • Hi D-Fens2,


    I did a quick check with the Product team for their feedback. It seems that since the latest iOS upgrade, the operating system has started to flash the 4G symbol when VPN is connecting. We don’t know the reason – it is the iOS that does it. It also may be a bug in iOS, the VPN connection may be formed over WiFi even when the 4G is shown there.

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    Hi Laksh,


    I reported it to Apple and they look into it.

  • Thanks for posting, @D-Fens2! Do keep us updated if there is any new information so I can pass it on to the product team.

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast
    I was called by an Apple engineer today to explain the issue and submitted logfiles. I am really pleased with the support they provide, it's outstanding.
  • Cane
    Cane Posts: 7 New Member

    I just bought Freedome and activated it. It doesnt work at all with my ipad. Wifi is dropping off (althought it shows on wifi settings that it is connected but not on the top notification bar - it shows 4G), and  no connection at all: cant connect anything. Or if i try to activate it from the ios settings (turning on the VPN toggle) i get the error screen "no vpn server found". Freedome app may say that it is connected, ios is showing 4G connection on the notification bar and browser does nothing at all. My router indicates no traffic. 


    edit. i found the issue... apple has changed something in ios and Freedome works with ios devices using ipsec protocol. i had to enable ipsec passthrough from my router to get Freedome to work with my ipad. 

  • Cane
    Cane Posts: 7 New Member

    >the VPN connection may be formed over WiFi even when the 4G is shown there.


    No, there is no connection at all. 


    And it is working on my Macbook, but not on ipad. Both are connected to the same Wifi network. 

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    I can confirm that there is no connection at all.

    you can use the always-on feature of freedome as a workaround -

    but you can't trust it right now, or lets say since a few months.


    if you use the freedome always-on feature, there is no data transmited after a few hours,

    VPN seems active, but there no active internet connection and you won't receive a message, for example,

    so you have to deactive it and activate it again so it's working again.

    it's quite useless on an iPhone right now if you don't want to miss a notification.

  • Cane
    Cane Posts: 7 New Member

    i found the issue... apple has changed something in ios and Freedome works with ios devices using ipsec protocol. i had to enable ipsec passthrough from my router to get Freedome to work with my ipad.


    that worked here. but might be a problem with public wifi accessing if they dont allow ipsec. 

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    Apple will fix some of the issues in the next update!


    but I would recommed to change the protocol from ipsec to IKEv2, it will fix the Problems of the iOS Version of freedome and ist more suitable for mobile devices

  • D-Fens2
    D-Fens2 Posts: 78 Enthusiast

    unfortunately, the problem persists :/

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