How-to report a bug in F-Secure Products?

I think that this is based on kind of "trouble"; and which "solution" there.
I mean something like:
--> If there is security trouble.
So F-Secure have page/mail about report-steps for this kind of troubles (and also some kind of reward program too - if I normally remember);
--> If something else: maybe there is possible to create the topic under the community (under the related part for solution - like if trouble with F-Secure SAFE / or Key / or Freedome / or Web services or other);
With description, steps to repeat and other helpful information.
So - F-Secure Community stuff can to handle this to the developers (or F-Secure developers able directly get this);
--> Also previously there was ability to create Support Ticket for Home Users by mail (but on current time - I not able to understand - how it possible to do with common steps; and also how to get just support-response not by phone/online chat for Home users) - where was ability create description and attached fsdiag (as result of support-diag tool) from system;
But in common means - there is have possibility to use Support-channel by chat/phone; - as chat; - as call;
Not sure about "results" (I did not use chat or phone for the Support yet);
--> With some of platforms - I think there is should be ability as direct-mail about the troubles.
--> Also there have good beta/technology-preview program ; which can to cover the F-Secure SAFE solution;
So - if it also can be as option to report - if you part of the beta/tp (it opened to be part of this... probably).
Sorry for my reply.
There (under the community) was a lot of topics (as report about troubles), which was fixed after that (by re-direct this by F-Secure Community stuff to related people; Or if developers directly get this).
Probably this is can be valid step (if it possible to report current "trouble" by this steps);
If you're using one of the beta products, then there is a Betas and Technology Previews board on here for those discussions, and there is a portal in which to report bugs (on which you need to register), but I don't think there's anywhere specific on the forum to report a 'bug' in the released retail products. You can, however post a topic in this board, giving an outline of the issue, or you can submit a Support Ticket, attaching an FSDAIG from the Support Tool, and one of the tech guys will look into it for you.
Hello MrParham,
Welcome to our F-Secure Community
My name is Calvin and I’m the primary contact for security vulnerabilities concerning F-Secure’s products and services.
Posting a topic in Community, creating a support ticket or contacting Support are some ways where you can report a bug about our products to us. Alternatively, we have the mailbox where you can report the issues directly by providing us sufficient information for investigation.
At the same time, we currently have an ongoing Vulnerability Reward Program (bug bounty program) which you can participate. You can use this avenue to report vulnerabilities to us instead of publicly disclosing it in the Community. Further details about the program can be found here:
If you have questions, please do post them and I'll gladly answer you. Have a nice day!
Calvin Gan
F-Secure Security Vulnerability Expert