Freedome stoped working in China

Mosarn Posts: 5 Observer
From yesterday 3/1 freedome app stoped working in China, is this something you guys are working on?
I am aware that PRC gov. actively is trying to block VPN connections and servers, now it looks like it is freedome's turn...
I have tried several networks (different ISP) several devices and several virtual locations.

Appreciate some feedback


  • Hi Mosarn,


    We have received feedback (and posts) even last year that China is blocking the VPN connections. Our possibilities to prevent this are limited in these cases.


    However, I will bring this to the attention of our Product team. I will keep you posted if there is any new update.

  • Mosarn
    Mosarn Posts: 5 Observer
    Hi Laksh,

    I have been using Freedome here in China for almost a year and yes I am aware that PRC gov. Is trying to block VPN but before it has been a matter of changing virtual location this time no location works. Now everything is dead, even at a reinstall of the app it cant not receive config files unless I used another vpn client to vpn out.

    So this issue is clearly different that the issues that have happened in the past.
  • Eric62
    Eric62 Posts: 1 New Member

    Dear F secure!

    "We have received feedback (and posts) even last year that China is blocking the VPN connections. Our possibilities to prevent this are limited in these cases."


    Many of us living in Mainland China are looking for a reliable VPN service and we assumed that an award wining security program company would provide the best service but it seems that your company is not so concernd about China preventing your VPN because you are limited?? Could you please let people know about it before they purshase Freedome!

    Best regards

  • Hi Mosarn,


    Our Freedome team confirmed that we haven’t done any changes which would cause this kind of behavior but China is actively trying to block Freedome now.

  • Mosarn
    Mosarn Posts: 5 Observer
    Hi Laksh,

    I am not saying that your development department did anything, I am just asking when you will update the protocols to get it working again?
    Or f-secure will just give up and claim tough luck for your China users?

    The answers you give me makes me feel like you will not prioritize this case at all?
    Obviously PRC gov have managed to find and block an essential part of your protocols since the entire app has stopped to work.

    Tell me how and where I should send any log files or anything else we China users can do, or your recommendation is that all of us start using an other service because f-secure give up directly when facing a difficulty?
  • Brownida
    Brownida Posts: 1 New Member
    I joined Freedome a few weeks' ago and for around 6-7 days it worked fine. I work and live in a school in China. For the last 10 days or so I cannot get Freedome to connect on the school networks (the one in the school building, nor the one in the dorms). This is so frustrating! Nothing has changed in the last few weeks on the school networks (no new firewalls or so..!) So what can I do to get a connection? Another thing - my subscription entitles me to connections on 3 devices. I would like to install it on another computer and in my mobile phone Please help me do this.
  • Hi Everyone,


    Regarding Freedome not working in China, could you please try to open the below pages from your web browser? Does it work?


    Could you also try to connect to Freedome’s Italian location to see if that works?

  • Mosarn
    Mosarn Posts: 5 Observer
    Hi Laksh,

    All addresses work except below:

    Italy working on 2 different ISP, replying you over VPN now.

    Please let me know if I can do anything else to help
  • Mosarn
    Mosarn Posts: 5 Observer
    Hi Laksh,

    Any updates from your side?
    Italy is still working but the rest are not.

  • Hi Mosarn,


    No recent news except that we have now published an article in the Community about Freedome not working in China. You can check the article here.


This discussion has been closed.