New community Skin

Hello all, 


As many will have noticed, we have implemented a new skin and redesigned our community. 


Let us know what you think of it!


If you notice any problem, you can also report it in this thread. 


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Hi Ben,


    As I commented in the other thread, there doesn't seem to be a way to use the full interface on a mobile, which means there is no access to the full editor or saved Macros.  This is going to limit what I can do on here, as most of the time, I access the forum from my mobile.  Have I missed something, or has this function been removed?


    I also note that there is STILL no permanent login cookie!!  Smiley Sad

  • Hi Simon, 

    Your feedback has been passed on so we can try to address the pain points.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Thanks Ben.

    Other than the above issues, the functionality seems fine, although my personal preference would have been for a darker them. :)
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,793 Superuser




    Just want to add that recent update for the community will create a lot of good things.

    And kind of "fix" for some of points, which was not nice for me (as feelings);



    --> Option to brief-switch to the Help forums from main page; And also just "Welcome screen" looks like more friendly too!

    --> Pinned/Attached topics start be more visible (as it was before swith to this fresh view) under the list of topics.

    --> And just "fresh" (not read yet) topics more visible marked.

    --> Looks like that "signature" (?) start be also visible that this is "signature" (and not part of reply).


    This is trigger more good feelings about using the community pages!


    Thanks for this!

    And sorry for this reply. 


    Also as strange point:



    I think this is not good that Katriina_M have Kudos count as "-2" ! Smiley Sad

  • Hi Ukko,


    I appreciate your positive feedback and for highlighting the points! Glad to know that you have noticed these changes. Smiley Happy


    Regarding the kudos, yes, it's a bit strange and this has already been highlighted by me. Rest assured, we are aware of this and are working on it.

This discussion has been closed.