My F-secure account vanished

So I bought F-secure safe, made an account and installed it on my pc as well as registered my pc as one of my three devices. now, I tried to login to add my phone to the registered devices, but couldn't login. So I tried to reset my password, which didn't work. I then tried to make a new account with the same email, and that worked somehow? so now my f-secure program on my computer says that my license is active for about a year, since I just bought it, but ofcourse my new account is a trial one and says: "30 days remaining". so my question is, where is my original account? and can I register my payment on my second account and make it work that way maybe?
It sounds as though your account has got into a bit of a mess. We can't help here, for security and privacy reasons, so you will need to raise a Support Ticket, giving as many details as you can, and I'm sure the tech guys will help to sort it out.