Solved: SAFE reverts Firefox settings

for some reason SAFE keeps reverting Firefox settings after Windows reboot. The problem disappeared when I disable F-Secure services using msconfig. After the serives are re-enabled the problem comes back.
I tried FF 48 and 49 and even tried reinstalling Windows from scratch. I am running Windows 7 x64.
I didn't give Firefox permission to install F-Secure BP-plugin, just mentioning in case that this makes SAFE behave badly.
How can I use Firefox and SAFE on the same machine w/o giving up either?
It seems that SAFE is way too aggressive, or not verbose enough, when it tries to force enable the BP extension. Got my problem solved by unchecking "Keep the extensions turned on (Internet Explorer and Firefox)" (under BP settings->Other->Browser extensions). If SAFE would have logged its force enabling attempts to "Recent events", I would have solved this problem with less effort.
I wish that this feature would at least log the events, if re-enabling the extension without destroing the profile is too hard to do reliably .