F-Secure Safe

Dadbazz Posts: 2 New Member

Since the day i got F-Safe Secure, i have had trouble of pages freezing and starting. Some times for about 20 minutes and some times totaly froozen and have to re-boot.

It does not mater if i am on Chrome, Yahoo messenger, MSN, Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Explorer It freezes. And even some times the pages are blank just white page and no content.

And it freezes a lot on MSN News page and on the Out look Email.

Please help as soon! as possable.


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Firstly, have you tried disabling F-Secure to see if the problems still exist?  To do this, open the main UI, then click Tools > Turn off all security features.


    Secondly, do you have any other security software or firewalls on the affected machine?



  • Dadbazz
    Dadbazz Posts: 2 New Member

    I tried what you asked me and it made no difference. I don't know how a firewall can do it, i have had Explorer and yahoo for ever and never had this happen befor. But it mainly happens on Explorer MSN and Outlook Email.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    If you've disabled F-Secure and the problem still remains, then it sounds like F-Secure may not be the cause, but if you send in a Support Ticket, attaching the file from the Support Tool, the tech guys will have a look at your system.


    If you have any other browser protection, such as ad blockers, or any other security software on your machine, try disabling those, as there may be conflicts with similar types of software running in real time.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    If it based on F-Secure Browsing protection features... so just feature "turn off all security features" probably will be not totally visible-helpful. Because Browsing Protection anyway will be work (?).

    For re-check (if you want).. probably there just can be "re-turn" settings for Browsing Protection module (under Main UI and than BP-Settings) about blocking harmful pages/content blocker (like temporary to disable this and to re-check situation).


    With my experience... there potentially can be troubles with normal load pages (but not about freezing... for twenty minutes?!) based on mistake with ratings (if some resources marked as harmful and it blocked).

    Or if there content blocker configured to block specific categories ("unrated content" as option) and as result.. some resources not loaded.


    But what about Outlook/Microsoft mail pages and Internet Explorer 11..

    I have small trouble... with "disabled pictures" option. When option "do not show pictures" is checked... most of Microsoft services (Outlook and other under MSN services?!) not really work. I can to call it as "freeze" - because not possible to do anything.

    But I think this is based just on Internet Explorer 11 and browser's options.


    Sorry for my reply.


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