Banking protection! Amazon, giropay and

Phyto Posts: 13 Observer

Hello folks, don't know if that is intended or not, but the banking protections seems to work on giropay, which is actually using the website of my bank to transfer the money. But it does not work for example on, which is a similar system to giropay, or on amazon. Working as intended? Bug? Will you include them, too?


Thanks for any advice!


  • Hi @Phyto,


    I have now moved your post to the SAFE board. I went through our Spam Quarantine and found that all your messages have landed in there. I am not sure of this unusual behaviour; if it's due to some words or the URL in your post. However, I have now moved your post our of our Spam Quarantine to the correct board.


    I apologize for any trouble/inconvenience.

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