Annoying Pop-Up Reminder

I use F-Secure since a year. In five days I need to renew the payment for F-Secure. But since today i get every two minutes a small pop-up eminder, that I need to renew. This pop-up sucks and I think meanwhile to delete F-Secure and change to another Anti-Virus tool.
How can I turn this annoying Tool off????
Hi @Spanky45699
That popup (starting 5 days before expiration) is part of Windows 10 and not our product. We have no control over it. We are investigating if there is something we could do to tell Windows to not show it so often.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Having the same problem which is really beginning to wind me up, I've turned off notifications within Windows 10 options but to no avail and there is no option within F-Secure itself. Been getting the reminder for it must be about two weeks and now this annoying Pop-Up whilst I am trying to get on with my work. I fully intended to renew on the day and not before but am now seriously considering uninstalling completely and finding an alternative which is not so invasive and which I have control over.
@Skindeep wrote:Having the same problem which is really beginning to wind me up, I've turned off notifications within Windows 10 options but to no avail and there is no option within F-Secure itself. Been getting the reminder for it must be about two weeks and now this annoying Pop-Up whilst I am trying to get on with my work. I fully intended to renew on the day and not before but am now seriously considering uninstalling completely and finding an alternative which is not so invasive and which I have control over.
Obviously I don't know your circumstances, but to be honest, it would be far simpler to just renew it, rather than messing about uninstalling and finding another product. If you've been gettng the popup for two weeks, there can't be much left on it anyway, and the renewal will run from the end of the current subscription, even if you renew early, so you won't lose any of your subscription days.
Thank you for your reply. My concern was it was not convenient for me to renew at the time the Reminder Pop-Up displayed and having clicked Postpone did not then expect the Pop-Up to keep displayed every few seconds getting in the way of what I was doing. I fully appreciate the excuse that this is a Windows 10 problem but surely a period of delay notification option could be built into the application itself which overrides Windows. Anyway I've renewed my annual subscription, or at least think I have but even that has gone pear shaped as it is now displaying my subscription expires in a months time, work that one out if you can. I'm sure it will come right in the end or at least hope it will.
@Skindeep wrote:Anyway I've renewed my annual subscription, or at least think I have but even that has gone pear shaped as it is now displaying my subscription expires in a months time, work that one out if you can. I'm sure it will come right in the end or at least hope it will.
Contact Support if it doesn't rectify in a couple of days. I certainly agree that there should be a way to dismiss the reminder for 24 hours, or at least until the next restart / reboot. Unfortunately Windows 10 seems to do it's own thing, regardless of what the user wants (which is one of the reasons I hate it!), but hopefully there may be something F-Secure can do to make the renewal reminders less invasive.