Speed issue with f secure safe

How can I recommend this to my customers it would cause my calls and complaints about speed issues...
Sorry for starting a new post but all threads were closed ... thanks but no thanks for the 12 months subscription.....
Without any technical information, it's difficult to guess what the problem might have been, but this isn't a common issue - at least, not one that we see complaints about every day on the forum.
Initially, I would have suggested that maybe your previous anti-virus products hadn't been fully removed (using the vendor's removal tools), as remnants of previous AV software can often cause conflicts, but as you've now uninstalled F-Secure, we can't really offer much in the way of support.
If you did decide to give FS another try, I would suggest first running the Uninstallation Tools for whichever other AV software you have installed, before installing F-Secure, and then, if you still run into problems, raise a Support Ticket, attaching an FSDIAG file from the Support Tool, so that the tech guys can have a look at what might be going on.
Sorry for my reply and ask.
But do you have experience about setting/option/feature as "Gaming Mode"?
I talk about this point (as page under "documentation" for this : https://help.f-secure.com/product.html#home/safe-windows/2016/en/task_C5612111F10041679D7D0A33034F8916-safe-windows-2016-en )
And if there was experience with "gaming mode"... so when there words about "slow" - this is just about network speed (?) or something else visible with "slow"-result?