instalation f-secure failed

Assuming this is F-Secure SAFE, and that you have fully removed any other anti-virus software from the machine, preferably using the vendor's own Uninstallation Tool, then I would suggest that you run the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool and start again.
If that doesn't help, we will need more information, such as which version of Windows you are using, which version of F-Secure you are installing, and any other information you can give us about the error message.
I never had problems with F-Secure and W7. Updates loaded properly and nothing needed my attention. But with the new version F-Secure SAFE and W10, I experience problems frequently with updates. Apparently when W10 has updates, all of the other software has to update & juggle to work with W10; SAFE being included. This last time, I needed to contact support and was given the same advice above. After uninstalling the Malwarebytes And SAFE, I was able to successfully re-install SAFE. Everything appears to be working smoothly again. After two years W10 is still not working very well. But we all are being forced to convert so we are able to operate other software.
Thank you SAFE support!