
Sorry for my reply.
Not sure.. that we talk about the same things.
But if there talk just about something like sharing some of "licenses" (as installations" to other people.. this is possible by feature of F-Secure SAFE... so called.. "Circles".
When you able to invite (under My F-Secure portal) other user/users (usually related with family members)... and share to him/them some licenses. In fact.. if hard to configure about "how many installations possible there" (because... usually invited account able to use/do installation even if you have "not in use" licenses). But if it your family members... or friends.. probably this not a trouble. Or you able to install to another devices (and under "invited" account) yourself... or just you able to control any of usage (possible to remove device... remove "user" from your circles).
Like documentation:
Not sure if this is based on your dreams or related with your question. But for my opinion there is can be some kind of connections between.
If there is talk just about "terms" meanings.
So.. probably you just able to brief re-search F-Secure SAFE Privacy/Another Terms.. for get understanding.. if it possible to do (like "moving" license).
Sorry for my reply.