total disaster today

beyond repair

_ protection ceased

_ license xpired



diag and capture sent


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Ouch!  I've had a few problems since the last release, but not that.  Have you tried re-installing?

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    not yet I reimaged with an AV free image running now with Webroot AS for the moment, till FS techs have dran some conclusions from my FS diag and capture

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply.


    What do you mean "beyond repair"?

    This is can be.. if there was "back to system restore" (when FS Protection was not installed, uninstalled or else points) potentially result will "broken installation" (missing license information or connection between system files).



    But what about My FS Protection portal? Do you  have any words there about your licenses?

    If there was removed one (or re-use license) and you back to device (from which was "re-using")... most likely will be same result. Like "expired" license. and as result - all features is blocked.

    If you re-run installer (which downloaded from My FS Protection after login).. this is should fix situation in my opinion.

    sorry for my reply.. or if I wrong understand situation.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    thank you Uko


    FS was completely bricked, no intervention possible excepted contact with "beta feedback" this is why I decided to reimage my rig with an FS free image.


    I tried an "install over" which failed


    Now waiting for feedback techs before reinstalling, Webroot guarantees my security in the meantime.

    bye Uko

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    cannot connect any longer to my FS protection account

    need urgently help

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Actually.. I not able to login under My FS Protection portal on current hours too.

    Just goes to be "time-out" for connection (after login/password; or after two-step verification).


    Maybe there is maintenance or update for service.


    But my installations are OK.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    I guess it is part of my problems
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    found this


    My FS Protection under maintenance until 5th September.

    Maintenance has no impact on already installed clients. Visible effect is that the user is not able to login to nor install new clients.


    why did not anyone inform us ? mail would have been appropriate don't you think ?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    Interesting situation.


    Maybe this was "random maintenance" :) on the end of work-week.  So not possible to inform anyone better, than notification under beta-portal (when this already happened).


    Also not sure about some points (like what if there is tricks or something else; like if it should be like that), but on current hour (not from first time/try and with delay) I did both things:


    --> Logined under My FS Protection portal.

    --> Did fresh/clean installation to device.


    (as two different actions under two different systems).


    Maybe "maintenance" ended speedy, than first work day on the next week?

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    Uko they write till 05/09 ! I suppose they're doing an overhaul of the site which is is normal, a short mail to us testers would have been appreciated... don't you think so ?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I think any letters from F-Secure can be wonderful. :)


    Anyway... just I also think maybe this "notification" as workaround (?! when you login under beta-portal to report your topic's trouble.... does this notification was there already and you just miss it from first; Or this notification comes later? Two days before yesterday... this notification was missing probably)....

    And just because "notification" have not words about "from which day" to first-work-day-of-next-week.... I think this is can be understanding.. as "from today" (yesterday originally). :)

    And created as response to temporary (or indeed maintenance, update for service.. which goes be longer, than thought) trouble/situation.


    In fact most trouble there is "not possible to login/install clients" (which usually for beta-meanings.. can be not each day critically) - but how it was under my previous reply (and on current hour).. I able to login and install fresh clients/clean installation already.

    This is comes with "long loading" (like login-action) with visible delay, but all other comes perfect. Maybe you able to try on current hour.. and re-check your "trouble from this topic" (about what information about installation/devices under portal; or re-trigger by installer, which downloaded... for re-use license).


    And I think if it was "scheduled" maintenance for four days (which was known before two-three days or more) - there of course.. letter or something "else" (before day) can be helpful.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    thank you Uko
    have a nice day
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    Uko ! you brought me luck today: it finally connected to fs protection portal and is installing now ! took one and a half hour :)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Good! :)

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