FS Protection PC Release 172

This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:

  • Common Component Framework 2.72.203
  • Antivirus 14.171.100
  • Browsing protection 2.172.4403
  • Safe Search 1.09.105

Fixed issues

Common Component

  • Check for updates dialog text does not fit in French (CTS-98016)

Browsing Protection:

  • Yahoo Japan shows no rating icons (CTS-98050)
  • Browsing Protection search ratings icon stuck spinning in Firefox (CTS-98058)
  • Browsing Protection search ratings do not work in Firefox 48, further fix CTS-98004
  • Firefox HTTPS search rating descriptions are not localized (CTS-98074)
  • Banking Protection does not work with Firefox until the banking page is refreshed (CTS-98021)
  • Blockpages show special chars after the url (CTS-98055)
  • Google search with "-" character crashes Internet Explorer 11 (CTS-98002)
  • Upgrade required reboot (CTS-98076)
Safe Search:
  • Safe Search toolbar broken in Internet Explorer 11 when using epm mode (CTS-98040)



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    "dialog text does not fit in French (CTS-98016)" fix works

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    made clean install, excellent brew: fast update, seeking desperately glitches :))

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    On Windows 10 Pro the upgrade goes really smooth. I only noticed it because of the unread messages.

    On WIndows 10 at leats 171 required restart, the notification popup is not nice if you are recording a movie.

    Otherwise quite smooth.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    today it went askew: FS hoster suddenly hung, after some research I found out Windows defender had been reactivated (not by me) or not deactivated during yday install.

    I sent bug reports and capture as requested.

    I uninstalled et reinstalled after a registry cleanup (CCcleaner)

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    update: everything including bank prot working fine again :)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Had a problem on my Windows 7 machine this morning, after it received the FS upgrade last night.  I received a "The User Profile Service failed the logon” error message, and I couldn't log in to my computer.  I followed the instructions in Method 1 in the link below, and everything seems OK now, but I haven't restarted it again yet.  I don't know if it was anything to do with the FS upgrade, but it seems a strange coincidence, given I've not seen the issue before, so I've sent in a bug report.



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    imo 172 is buggy and we had an unexpected server/infrastructure overhaul by the end of last week

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Difficult to say for certain what caused my issues, as they haven't occurred since, and there's been no software update since this last one (that I'm aware of).
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I do not think that this release more "buggy", than some of previous releases.

    Also with current tp-release...  also comes some of good fixes.


    What about trouble about login to system (in my experience... I more often get another trouble, but also have experience with _maybe_ the same trouble... which noted as "The User Profile Service failed the logon") - I thought about F-Secure/FS Protection about potential reason (just because.. usually I get this after/briefly after clean install or upgrade it). But not always....... and I do not meet this long time as (but I also randomly.. start to less "do shutdown" or "restart" for main system, where this is happened more often - than with any other systems).

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