booster reinstallieren

Nach Reparatur meiner defekten Festplatte mußte alles neu installiert werden. Ich habe versucht, den F-SECURE BOOSTER mit meinem noch gültigen Key zu reinstallieren; das wurde abgelehnt mit der Behauptung, ich überschritte meine Lizenz und mein Abo (29... € für einen PC) und versuchte den den Booster auf einem weiteren Computer zu installieren, was nicht stimmt.
Was tun?
After a complete breakdown of my PC, FS-Booster had disappeared form the hard disc, and I could not reinstall it with the propper key, because the programm refused it - telling me that I were illegally trying to install FS- Booster on a further computer. I didn't do that!! Who could know or be able to pretend that I did??... So please tell me what I have to do and try the REinstallation with the licens and the key I have - or with a different key and license you please propose me...
Thank you: Jörg Kühne
Hi Jörg,
Please do not post your license information in the Community; hence I have edited your post to remove the license details. If need be, as mentioned in my above post, you may send a Private Message with the same information.
I have now reset your license code for Booster. Please retry the license validation.