What is happening to this forum?

Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

There seem to have been some recent changes to the forum, which, in my opinion at least, are making things more difficult.


Firstly, the forum will allow a user to type a reply to a post, before requesting that the user logs in.  This can be very annoying, as what has been typed is then lost when you have to leave the current page in order to log in.  If we MUST log in each time we visit the forum, rather than allowing a permanent cookie to be set (which I have mentioned before, and would be much easier), can we have the log in request as soon as the Reply button is clicked, rather than after writing the post?


Secondly, what's this new 'Photos' tool?  I have just tried to upload an image, which I managed eventually, but the 'Photos' dialogue doesn't fit on the screen, so the 'Post' or 'Insert' button isn't visible!  I'm hopeful that this is a 'work in progress', which will improve, but I don't see the advantage over the old 'Insert Image' tool.


  • Hello Simon, 


    Thank you for your feedback. 

    You should normally not loose what you have typed before logging in. On which platform and browser do you experience the loss of your message? This was changed to help engaging people.


    Regarding the new "insert photo" (rather than image), this as come with a recent upgrade of our community. Again on which platform (and resolution) do you experience the wrong window size? 


    We are indeed currently working on visual and technical improvement for our community on the various platforms.

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Hi Ben,

    This is both using my default SeaMonkey browser, which I have used for years. I'll have to come back to you on the screen resolution, but I don't think it's anything unusual, and I would have thought that the tool template should automatically adjust to fit the screen resolution, as it does with most forums and other websites.

    If I forget to log on before typing a message, when I hit the Post button, I get a message saying I am about to leave the page, and that all information will be lost. And, it is. I cannot see the advantage of being allowed to type out a message, if it cannot then be posted before logging in.
  • Thanks for providing so quickly the details. I'll investigate these issues.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,798 Superuser



    Just if it can be helpful.

    With "Photos" I also have broken view. This is not totally visible (like pin to down of page) and look not totally good.

    but I able to use probably all features (of Photos): upload, edit, add and just using this.


    Check just with Internet Explorer 11 64bit mode (88% of Zoom), system resolution probably is 1366x768 (with 100% size of text/other). And settings/preferences under F-Secure Community is "small" size of text.


    Sorry for reply.

  • Thanks Ukko for the additional information.


    @Simon, I just tried to post a reply to this thread without being logged in, using Seamonkey 2.40, and after logging in(as prompt after clicking on "post") my reply was not lost but published.

    EDIT: initial post was a test

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Just to add, Ben, it also does it if you go to log in once you've started typing a post. This happens quite often to me when I need to use my Macros.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Hmm... maybe that is something odd with my browser then . I'll try it with other browsers when I get a chance.
  • Headphones
    Headphones Posts: 1 New Member

    Hey I'm new here !

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Welcome! :)
  • johnlimsy
    johnlimsy Posts: 1 New Member
    Non-members can reply without membership ? I have never heard before.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I don't think they can. They might be able to type a reply, but they would be required to log in before it is posted. That is one of my bugbears, because I often forget to log in before hand.
  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Another one is that you can't stay logged in. I've asked the reason for this many times, and have never really had an answer, but this is the only forum I know which doesn't allow a permanent login (as long as the cookie remains).
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