F-Secure SAFE for Mac - subscription renewal problem

Froonium Posts: 1 New Member

I'm having some problems with a subscription renewal.  Firstly, I can't install the latest .dmg for F-Secure Anti-Virus for Mac on OS X 10.8.5 - the new installer states that it now needs at least 10.9.  Is there nothing new for 10.8.5?  The Anti-Virus product I installed two years ago was working until last month, when the subscription expired.  This former subscription is linked to an older email address, which I've moved away from using.  It was linked to a licence number, but SAFE doesn't seem to come with a licence number, so I can't transfer the licence and continue using the newer product with an upgraded subscription on the original licence.    


Can I transfer the old licence from the previous email account to the new email account, renew that subscription, and continue using the older Anti-Virus software on 10.8.5?  


 When I initially attempted to renew the subscription of the original Anti-Virus product, using my new email address, I found that I couldn't licence the product as I kept getting 'Try again' messages when I tried to link the account to my computer.  I can see in my new F-Secure account that licences are being set against computer names I choose, but they don't activate the subscription on the computer.


 Likewise, on a different Mac, which runs OS X 10.10, where the latest .dmg installer does work, I also am getting  'Try again' errors when attempting to renew the subscription.


Is there a way to resolve the 'Try again' error?  There is a previous thread on this error, which suggests that the problem is on the F-Secure side.  Could that be the case again?









  • Hi Froonium,


    As seen in the product page here, these are the supported OS versions for F-Secure AV for Mac in SAFE:

    Supported platform: OS X versions 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.9 (Mavericks)


    Mac OS 10.8.5 is not supported anymore as seen in the list of OS for SAFE. It is required to upgrade your OS even if you renew your subscription.


    Regarding your old and new accounts, have you purchased your F-Secure AV for Mac using your old email address? And have you purchased your SAFE using your new email address?You may have a look at this article for more information about installing F-Secure SAFE on your Mac. SAFE and F-Secure AV for Mac are separate products which cannot be combined. Please have a look at this page for more information about the different products.

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