F-Secure blocks my website

KmunBiene Posts: 1 New Member

Hello, I've created on the site CUCCFree an online server . I have programmed with HTML and PHP . When I was about to enter the site , the Malicious Website text came . Can someone help me? The page is bienenos.cu.cc . Before that I had the same page with the invalid realcraft.cu.cc domain . Since nothing harmful was found . Here is the code of index.html :

<!DOCTYPE html>


	    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
		<meta charset ="utf-8">
	    <div id="wrapper">
			    <div class="Website in Arbeit">
					<a href ="#">Arbeit</a>
					<p>Website in arbeit</p>
			    <div class="article">

					<a href ="#">CLOUD</a>
					<p>In Arbeit </p>
			    <div class="sidear">
					<a href="p">CLOUD</a>
					<p> Alpha</p>
			<footer>Copyright BienenOS</footer>


Best regards



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