FS Protection PC Release 170

This release contains following applications that combined make the FS Protection PC product:

  • Common Component Framework 2.70.187
  • Antivirus 14.170.100
  • Browsing protection 2.169.4244

New features


  • Removed duplicate information about database updates from settings dialogs. This information can still be checked from Common settings->Updates.

Fixed issues

  • Main GUI Contents disappear when turn off is pressed (CTS-97884)

  • Schedule scan fails on windows 10 (CTS-97360)


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Thank you!  hatoff.gif

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Prompt for reboot on Windows 10.  Is this to be expected?



  • @Simon wrote:

    Prompt for reboot on Windows 10.  Is this to be expected?



    Hi Simon,


    and no, reboot request should not have happened. We did notice internally, that in rare cases reboot was required and we are investigating the issue.
    Please do make a bug report with fsdiag and we will take a look.




    (F-Secure R&D)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Hi Tuula,


    My Windows 7 machine has also just prompted for a reboot, but interestingly, the popup screen was slightly different this time:




    I will submit bug reports for both machines.

  • @Simon wrote:

    Hi Tuula,


    My Windows 7 machine has also just prompted for a reboot, but interestingly, the popup screen was slightly different this time:




    I will submit bug reports for both machines.

    Hi Simon,


    oh dear, lightning shouldn't strike twice...
    You have now two different reboot requests and none was expected Smiley Sad

    First one is reboot request from Antivirus and the second one from Common Component, that is why they are slightly different.

    Thank you for your reports  :)




    (F-Scure R&D)

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    Bug reports submitted for both machines, with references to this thread.  :)

  • Thanks Simon, we'll investigate them :)




    (F-Secure R&D)

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my ask/words.


    With current TP (which also comes shortly after system-upgrade for my main machine/system Windows 10) time to time I thought about some kind of "troublepoints" like: UI goes be temporary-briefly freezing-time, not responding, hard-to-opening and other around this.


    Just because this machine not often goes to "restart/shutdown" and recent upgrade... I thought about just "system tired, hot using drive/CPU by system" and other. So.. "troublepoints" usually comes randomly, but maybe most related with additional usage for system resources. Most of situations was about time.. when updates comes (downloading or installing engine-databases). With previous TPs it was not so visible about using UI with this background. Anyway.. I stop dreams about point.. that maybe this is system-based. And not any changes about FS Protection design.


    But today I randomly understand that there comes changes probably. Previously about "main UI" stats-picture (where active circle-protection status) was next words:


    "The extra animation on the main UI uses too much CPU on old systems or virtual machines. It's disabled on those systems"


    But with current TP.. I get this with this "outdated" systems (Windows Vista).  Comes randomly? Or there was any changes around? And if yes... does this changes can be with something.. which can to increase "something" - which can to trigger small freezing/not-responding during "specific steps" for FS Protection UI.


    I not totally able to repeat this troublepoints (just if randomly or to create violation-setting) - so not sure.. that there is can be report; also with meanings.. that there is I not something critical maybe. But just interesting...


    Sorry for my reply. Smiley Sad

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my this reply. Just as response for my previous reply/dreams (under this topic).


    I think there certainly was changes (or based on something else, but with changing result).

    At least... if we talk about this so called "extra animation on the main UI " - I think that there can be visible next changes (or result of something):


    ---> I think that just certain this "light-detector-blaster" start be more speedy to do this circle-checking.


    and.. if in somewhat reason... do not start more speedy (but I think did?!).

    There probably certainly one changes around this "extra animation on the main UI "


    ---> With previous TPs (or some of them) and with current TPs... this "extra animation on the main UI " possible to "paused" (I not mean by Scan Wizard scanning) for "stuck" position.

    So.. changes that:


    Previous TPs design was like:

    we able to pause (by some of steps. Possible to do this by "Question/Help"-button under main UI. When this menu is active - "extra animation on the main UI " will be paused about action; Or just by "drag" close button of window and hold it) position of circle.

    When we "unpause" - "extra animation on the main UI " briefly goes to point, which happened on this time (I mean.. even we paused it... in fact circle was in action under "background"). If we "hold" this circle "two/three steps" - so... position briefly re-transfer to this "missing" steps.


    Current TP design like that:

    we able to pause position of circle. When we "unpause" -" extra animation on the main UI " goes to continues from timepoint/place, where we "pause/freeze" it.


    Sorry for my reply and strange dreams around strange things.


    I also can to think that "my feelings" around "more usage system resources" (some freezes, stuck-points and other) and other words from previous reply.. can be based also on fact... that with fresh build of Windows 10.. I start to use option for Windows Defender as "time to time scanning" (and maybe this is just get some resources between this two software and simply system usage at background too).

    And in fact... something too much critical with FS Protection and my system did not happened. But time to time I get "stuck/freeze" situations more often or with steps, which not trigger it before.



  • @Ukko wrote:



    Sorry for my this reply. Just as response for my previous reply/dreams (under this topic).


    I think there certainly was changes (or based on something else, but with changing result).

    At least... if we talk about this so called "extra animation on the main UI " - I think that there can be visible next changes (or result of something):


    ---> I think that just certain this "light-detector-blaster" start be more speedy to do this circle-checking.


    and.. if in somewhat reason... do not start more speedy (but I think did?!).

    There probably certainly one changes around this "extra animation on the main UI "


    ---> With previous TPs (or some of them) and with current TPs... this "extra animation on the main UI " possible to "paused" (I not mean by Scan Wizard scanning) for "stuck" position.

    So.. changes that:


    Previous TPs design was like:

    we able to pause (by some of steps. Possible to do this by "Question/Help"-button under main UI. When this menu is active - "extra animation on the main UI " will be paused about action; Or just by "drag" close button of window and hold it) position of circle.

    When we "unpause" - "extra animation on the main UI " briefly goes to point, which happened on this time (I mean.. even we paused it... in fact circle was in action under "background"). If we "hold" this circle "two/three steps" - so... position briefly re-transfer to this "missing" steps.


    Current TP design like that:

    we able to pause position of circle. When we "unpause" -" extra animation on the main UI " goes to continues from timepoint/place, where we "pause/freeze" it.


    Sorry for my reply and strange dreams around strange things.


    I also can to think that "my feelings" around "more usage system resources" (some freezes, stuck-points and other) and other words from previous reply.. can be based also on fact... that with fresh build of Windows 10.. I start to use option for Windows Defender as "time to time scanning" (and maybe this is just get some resources between this two software and simply system usage at background too).

    And in fact... something too much critical with FS Protection and my system did not happened. But time to time I get "stuck/freeze" situations more often or with steps, which not trigger it before.



    Hi C K,


    we do have ongoing issues with our UI at the moment Smiley Sad
    One fix has been done already and that will come with the next release, but we have noticed, that there must be some other issue(s) which we have not been able to pinpoint yet.
    The issue is under investigation and hopefully we'll get proper solution for the next release.




    (F-Secure R&D)


This discussion has been closed.