Installation problems with products

This week i bought the new game from Blizzard entertainement "Overwatch" on my pPC. When I started the setup for the required launcher ( the installation did not work past the Windows authorisation pannel. I contacted Blizzard entertainement but could not solve the problem. They mentioned however, that my security software (in this case "F-Secure") could be preventing the installation even through being deactivated. If someone has the same problem and already managed to solve it, or knows a possible solution I would be grateful for his/her support.
Having the same issue, installer does not work. Looking into the logs, the operation fails when it's trying to retreive data from Blizzard's servers. I tried switching F-Secure SAFE to Gaming Mode, but it didn't help. Can't think of anything else that'd interfere.
D 2016-08-03 18:53:44.378279 [UpdateHandler] {dc4} Downloading and extracting archive. mfil=[REDACTED] path=C:\ProgramData\\Agent
E 2016-08-03 18:55:26.859805 [UpdateHandler] {dc4} Failed to initialize streaming from manifest:[REDACTED] -
Figured a workaround for this: restart Windows in Safe Mode with Networking, and use that to install the client. You may get an error message still that the client says it's not able to launch the client, but I was able to get the client downloaded and installed this way. After restarting in normal mode, I was able to launch the client and download the games.
Thank you sooooo much. I tried this and could finally download the launcher. I am so glad I didnt waste my 40 euros on Overwatch xD. Anyway thank you for the help, if you allow I will publish this solution on some different sites were I found people with the same probem.
I have F-Secure and safe browsing, etc... what includes in home package. When you start installer it tries to download a file from (In my case):
This is blocked by F-Secure (i guess safe browsing?) but it happens totally silently so you don't ever get any information that this has been blocked. Battle.Net installer just fails with error code that will guide you to try to fix many things that are totally irrelevant.
If you open the logfile of the installer from C:\ProgramData\\Setup\\Logs
find the url it tries to load, set it to browser you get the information that F-Secure is blocking it. Then if you allow it, you can install Battle.Net.
I am hoping you at F-Secure would fix this kind of issue where you block silently a connection! This is not easy to solve for normal users and even myself send already a ticket to Battle.Net support about this.