Check my site

Dear forum,


I got an email today saying that my site would spread viruses and that F-Secure had blocked a visitor from accessing the site.

So far I did several scans with multiple anti-virus solutions and none of these showed a virus or any problem.Smiley Frustrated


Could someone please go to <link removed> (my wedding photography site) and tell me, wether F-Secure blocks the site or not...




  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    Hey, i checked you page with google chrome, FireFox, IE and with Opera.

    F-Secure don´t block your page but Google Chrome does:



    Opera, FF and IE did nothing... BUT: After i have use the Internet Explorer, F-Secure made a detection of  Malware


    Ashampoo_Snap_2012.02.13_22h29m08s_002_Viren- und Spyware-Scanning.png


    It´s seems, that anything has infectet your Page.... (and my pc now ^^... joke, the maleware was only in the sandbox)

    EDIT: I think someting is with your "main.htm" strainge. Plz check this file.






    And: Sorry for the virus!


    I´m just downloading all of the websites content to do a scan on my computer. I hope this works.

    The site probably got hacked through a wordpress blog.


    btw: Can someone please try the following domains:

    <link removed>

    <link removed>


    They are hosted at the same space but are completely different websites...

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager

    I get the same "google chrome" informations about the other two pages.


    If you got some experence in html plz open the main.htm and search for something from ""


    I give you a good tip: change you passwort for your FTP and SQL account. Normaly when someone changed or edit something on the files, he used the FTP access.


    (feel free and give a Kudos Smiley Happy )





  • Thanks a lot!


    I found a few lines of cryptic, confused html+javascript code in each index.html file and a few new php files. I changed all passwords (ftp, mail, webspace provider). cleande the html files and am just uploading the (hopefully clean) files.


    Should be done in a few minutes.


    If someone is brave and dares to access my websites - I´m looking for some feedback.


    I still have the nagging felling that my computer might be infected, too and the ftp passwort got stolen from it. I´m doing a complete scan with security essentials now (and will do the same thing agaian with antivir, tommorrow)

  • tripodzid
    tripodzid Posts: 32 Observer

    I really haven't tried scanning my website using all the browsers available. Thanks for giving me an idea.




    Business is the game!!image

  • Hexo
    Hexo Posts: 240 Active Engager
    So, i have checked your page with and it´s seems now ok.

    Mhhh.... i give you a Tip: forget Microsoft Security Essentials and use F-Secure. It´s much better (and they got a really good Support)
  • MJ-perComp
    MJ-perComp Posts: 432 Superuser

    Fixing the mannipulated INDEX-Files might not do the trick.

    Please also Update your Content management system and fix Access rights for all files!





  • Siltanen
    Siltanen Posts: 61 F-Secure Employee

    Hello All,

    Moderator removed the links from the posts above. This is of course just a precautionary measure.

    In future I would ask you to submit all samples to our Sample Analysis System for further investigation:


  • Unfortunately the Sample Analysis System wouldn´t have worked, as I didn´t know wether my site was infected at all and I didn´t know which file was infected.


    Luckily some of the users on this forum could confirm that my sites were infected and which files were affected.



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