Configuring Freedome for Iphone 6 touch id

turso Posts: 5 New Member



I just got a iphone6 and i can't get freedome work with touch id. It asks for VPN configuration for it. Where can i find them?






  • Hi turso,


    Welcome to our community!


    What is the message seen in your iPhone? I was able to find an article related to iOS9 and Freedome here.

  • turso
    turso Posts: 5 New Member

    I get to the last part of that example but then it jumps to the VPN setup page and asks (my phone is in Finnish so sorry for maybe bad translation) Touch id software setup, Add VPn Configurations and the only thing that i can push is cancel...

  • Hi turso,


    Once you come to the stage for entering your touch id, you just need to authenticate the VPN profile change with your touch ID, i.e. you should just show you finger to the home button and that’ll sort it out. You can also switch off the touch ID from the phone settings if you prefer to use the pin code instead.

  • turso
    turso Posts: 5 New Member



    I was so foolish that I just didn't push the touch id "button" to active it. I Thought it was some error message and i had to do a manual configuration for the vpn. Cheers ^^

  • Glad to know all is well, @turso!

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