Expire date

i registered with F-secure safe for 2 years till 31 juli 2018 for 5 devices. One IOS device shows the correct date. The second IOS device shows me a different Experation date. 31-7-2016. Till The end of this month. Why? Can you change that? Or does it means that one device isn,t save anymore within 10 day's. Please Your reply.
Did you install on both devices via your SAFE Portal? When you log in, what does your expiry date state there?
Hi Simon,
thanks for Your swift response,
the expire date in the portal is the correct date.
adding the iPad multiple times via the portal did not do the job.
re installing the app and do everyhing step by step did the trick.
It's Now proper installed and everyhing is working fine.
thanks again and topic can be closed.