Connection very slow with PC when using Freedome

Alexxi Posts: 2 Observer

Hi, I bought 5 licenses of Freedome few days back and put two of them in my pc and my laptop. I noticed how the connection is very slow on my PC, but not on the laptop. PC speed w/o Freedome: normal DL 100Mbps / UL 10Mpbs, ping around 50ms and with Freedome on DL 1-2Mbps / UL 0.X Mbps, ping over 100ms. Laptop speed w/o Freedome: DL 100Mbps and UL 10Mbps and with Freedome on DL is 90Mbps and UL 9Mbps. On PC I use ethernet cable and on laptop WLAN. Maybe my (Windows) firewall is blocking the connection on the PC? Usually with reboots the Freedome starts working better on the PC, then I get as good results as with laptop. Is there anything to do with the speeds on the PC?


Both computers are in same network and run Windows 10. 


  • Hi Alexxi,


    Does it happen only with a certain location or with other locations as well? If you connect using ethernet cable in your laptop, do you notice the same low speed as well?


    Does the connection get better when you turn off Windows Firewall?




  • Thanks for sharing the information @Alexxi. Glad to know you were able to identify the cause of the issue.

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