Connection very slow with PC when using Freedome

Hi, I bought 5 licenses of Freedome few days back and put two of them in my pc and my laptop. I noticed how the connection is very slow on my PC, but not on the laptop. PC speed w/o Freedome: normal DL 100Mbps / UL 10Mpbs, ping around 50ms and with Freedome on DL 1-2Mbps / UL 0.X Mbps, ping over 100ms. Laptop speed w/o Freedome: DL 100Mbps and UL 10Mbps and with Freedome on DL is 90Mbps and UL 9Mbps. On PC I use ethernet cable and on laptop WLAN. Maybe my (Windows) firewall is blocking the connection on the PC? Usually with reboots the Freedome starts working better on the PC, then I get as good results as with laptop. Is there anything to do with the speeds on the PC?
Both computers are in same network and run Windows 10.