Need erlier version for f secure freedom vpn software as my video driver does not support to direct

Erus Posts: 12 New Member

Need erlier version for f secure freedom vpn software  as my video driver does not support to directx 10.









  • Hi @Erus,


    I have moved your post to the Freedome board as it was related to the same product.


    Can I know what is the OS of your device? What is the current version of Freedome you are using? Is there any error message you get when using Freedome latest version?

  • Erus
    Erus Posts: 12 New Member

    Hi, thanks for the update ..


    I am trying to use latest one which is availbale on the site. the errror that I am getting is something like OpenGL2.0 or graphic driver not supported.




  • Hi Erus,


    A screenshot of the error message would be nice to know the issue better. Also, please update us on the OS version.

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