It is possible to inflect sim card?

Avisitors Posts: 54 Explorer


Whether malware can inflect or be stored in sim card?Is f-secure able to solve this risk if it is really exist?


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    Not heard of that one. I guess there might be a risk if you bought a cheap SIM card from an unreputable source, but I would have thought the risk would be of higher call costs, rather than of potential infection from malware. Would be interesting to hear if anyone knows with more certainty.
  • Avisitors
    Avisitors Posts: 54 Explorer

    Yes,but most of malicious charging application are based on software.I don't know whether sim virus exists.

  • Hi Avisitors,


    I checked with our labs about this question. While we haven't seen such malware storing code inside a SIM card, there are certain malicious applications that would act as a 'man in the middle' instead, for example reading or sending SMS or phone calls. F-Secure Safe for Android protects against these malicious applications and scans your device for viruses, harmful content, and other threats to your device or your data.

  • Avisitors
    Avisitors Posts: 54 Explorer

    f-secure safe is a good cellphone antivirus

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