Can't access Netflix Canada or USA or any other location anymore

Pikkuinen92 Posts: 1 New Member
Until now I have been able to at least access Netflix Canada and USA using Freedome, even though other locations have been blocked, but it is not working anymore. Netflix displays the Proxy error message everytime and from all the locations. I have it on both my mobile (Android) and PC (Windows) and neither is working. This is really annoying and I'm saddened by this as I used to love Freedome.

Is there any solution to this? Or a fix coming sometime soon?


  • Hi Pikkuinen92,


    I will get back to you via Private Message regarding this post.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    I have this exact same problem and can you help me out too with a private message or even better is there a technical article that addresses this?

  • I have sent you a PM regarding the topic, @Enfcmedic384.

  • Enfcmedic384
    Enfcmedic384 Posts: 181 Enthusiast

    Thanks, I got it.

  • eaene
    eaene Posts: 1 New Member



    I am also having this exact same problem. Can you help me out too with a private message? 
    Thank you for your help, it would be appreciated!


    Kind regards, eaene.

  • JamesPatitucci
    JamesPatitucci Posts: 1 New Member

    Seems like a really ineffective way to handle this, but I need this information also.

  • I have messaged you both, @JamesPatitucci and @eaene

  • 0l1ver
    0l1ver Posts: 1 Observer

    I have the same problem with Freedome that i cant use USA location to watch that Netflix content. Weird is that with iPad it is possible to watch US netflix content though. So is there solution to this problem using pc? I have Windows 10 and mainly used chrome browser.

  • ttq225
    ttq225 Posts: 1 New Member

    I have exactly the same problem. No access to US or CA netflix anymore. (UK and Australia netflix stopped working many months earlier)

    @Pikkuinen92 wrote:
    Until now I have been able to at least access Netflix Canada and USA using Freedome, even though other locations have been blocked, but it is not working anymore. Netflix displays the Proxy error message everytime and from all the locations. I have it on both my mobile (Android) and PC (Windows) and neither is working. This is really annoying and I'm saddened by this as I used to love Freedome.

    Is there any solution to this? Or a fix coming sometime soon?


  • Aloop
    Aloop Posts: 1 New Member


    I have this same issue as well.

  • fwiener
    fwiener Posts: 2 New Member

    I am having these issues as well (only recently stuck at 25% loading), can you please send me a message as well? Thank you.

  • D_K
    D_K Posts: 1 New Member

    Same problem.

    Either NF gives error pointing to network connectivity (ISP names not containing F-secure) or use of proxy (ISP names with F-Secure of Freedome in them).



  • Hello Everyone, I have sent the PM regarding this issue.

  • fwiener
    fwiener Posts: 2 New Member

    Hi Laksh,


    thanks anyway for the message, but it escapes me why that has to be communicated via private message.

    Everyone knows about the restrictions Netflix put in place, so if there is nothing F-Secure can or wants to do about that (which is definitely your prerogative), please cut threads with these topics short and refer to said policy - that would not get people's hopes up and save everybody some time...

    Just a thought.


    What is odd though is that specific IP ranges worked fine until very recently. Now I'm getting the "stuck at 25% loading" issue, but not the "you are using a proxy" stuff - maybe a DNS related thing after all which lets me hope that there can still be found a fix by you guys.


    But you probably couldn't comment on that anyways because of the policy again...


    Offtopic: I believe that Netflix is going to feel the impact of a sizable percentage of their user base dropping out because of that - In my opinion it would be best if they tried to get as much US content available for Europeans, so there would be no need for this.

    But then again the status quo until now helped you guys sell your product. That incentive is gone now.


    Thanks again.

  • ripsquad
    ripsquad Posts: 2 New Member



    this same issue appeared for me today as well. Hopefully you can send me some information regarding this through PM.


    Thank you in advance.

  • I totally get your point about the PM and will communicate it with the Product team, @fwiener.


    PM sent to you @ripsquad.

  • yougagnon
    yougagnon Posts: 1 New Member
    Same thing here. Couldn't connect to Netflix. Would be glad to have some input on this.
  • PM sent to you @yougagnon.

  • Andows
    Andows Posts: 1 New Member

    I'm also having the same problem with all of the US-locations (on Windows 10). I keep getting either the "proxy detected" or "local network problem" error messages. Are there any solutions to this?

  • I have messaged you @Andows. Kindly have a look. Thanks.

  • rp1
    rp1 Posts: 2 New Member



    Besides or the known problem, certain servers being blocked on Netflix (receiving the proxy error message), the other/remaining servers would not play movies either reporting a problem with the internet connection when trying to play the movie (while regular browsing of the netflix page, as well as loading any other content outside of netflix is possible). This problem accures with Chrome and Internet Explorer/Edge, regardless if the firewall is on or off. Is there a solution/work around? There is definitely no problem with the internet connection. 



  • kzu
    kzu Posts: 1 New Member

    I have this exact same problem and can you help me out too?

  • Hi @kzu,


    Please have a look at this post.

This discussion has been closed.