Freedome renegotiating every couple of seconds on heavy upload traffic

InspectorGadget Posts: 1 New Member

Encountered this yesterday: 


-OSX 10.11.5  on a macbook pro, all software updates done

-Freedome 1.5.3284.0, connected to Finland

-Internet over WLAN, Huawei 4G-WLAN AP. Connection profile 50/10 Mbit/s (Elisa Finland).  


Started to upload a bunch of photos to cloud over Google Photos Backup. When traffic reached

about 10 Mbit/s uplink, Freedome renegotiated connection. This happened several times in a row.

and hasn't happened on the same connection before (Freedome has been used for quite some time).


Any ideas on what could cause connection renegotiations in a row? 


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi InspectorGadget,


    Sorry for getting back to you late. Are you still facing this issue? If yes, does it happen over other networks as well?

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