No scanning report is made by F-secure

Larson Posts: 5 Observer


WIN 10 is on my laptop for one month so I'm more careful then normal.

I saw that F-secure doesnot make a scanning report after a sceduled scan.

I did the following:

- systemrecovery did not help

- I reinstalled F-secure: THe first day there was a long scan and I got a report; the second and third day a short scan and also a scanning report; The fourth day no report; the fith day I saw in the right corner that the scan was starting but in the task manager I saw that it stopt after a few seconds and no scanning report in c:\Users\PeterPaul\AppData\Local\F-Secure\Antivirus\ScheduledScanReports\

So I do not know what is happening. Because the activity of F-secure was so short I'm not sure if the scan even start.

Can someone help me?






  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    This came up some time ago on here, and your issue could be to do with the scan not repeatedly scanning files which haven't changed. Therefore, if you do several scans in a short period, the scans may get shorter. Have you rebooted between scans?

    There is a more technical explanation on here somewhere, but I can't find it at the moment.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    Sorry for my reply.


    But just some points to ask:


    --> How scheduled scan configured (specific time? daily after idle?).

    --> Potentially you able to re-check some kind of things:

       ---> With tray-picture (right click) menu about "Check latest notifications/situations" (as list of notifications), where should be information if scheduled scan was stopped normally (or skipped).

       ---> Main UI should to "re-fresh" information about" when scheduled scan was completed (today or some days before) - when scheduled scan is started (and not matter if stopped). Such as...

    If there "today" - so... scheduled scan started. If notification list.... with missing entries about "skip-action" or "end" (with check report)...... so.. in somewhat reason there was something with mistake.


    I can to think about some points like:


    --> Does there was restart for system between situations?

    --> Does it possible... that was "Gaming Mode" in use during scheduled scan time (?!) - this is will be as pause for scheduled scan with active-status. And prevention to launch.. if scheduled-time comes (but Gaming Mode in use). Scheduled scan started after "gaming mode off".


    If scheduled scan is not complete... there will be probably missing scan-report. But most likely (?!) that if there missing scan-report and scheduled scan briefly stopped after some seconds (main trigger can be drive-usage by Scanner Manager probably)... there can be something with mistake.. and maybe more nice to create Support Ticket with fsdiag, which possible to create by F-Secure Support Tool.

    Also with current situation.. you possible to use "Main UI - Tools" and button "Turn off all security features". If there stuck for Scheduled scan (and your system is not restarted between).... this action should to trigger "stop"-action for scheduled scan-process.

  • Larson
    Larson Posts: 5 Observer

    Hallo Simon,


    To close my laptop I prefer to use Hybernate. So I do not know when I shut down or rebooted my laptop for the last time.

    Hybernate has always giving troubles in Windows from time to time. So it is possible that your suggestion is correct.

    I will shut down my laptop today and tomorrow morning I will see what happen and I will let you know tomorrow.


    Thx for your reply,


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    If I recall correctly, a reboot would 'reset' the scanner, so it should scan fully afterwards.

    That said, it's arguable that regular scans are not really necessary, as F-Secure would automatically block any malicious or suspicious files which attempted to execute, and even if you do have a virus on your device, it can do no harm while it is dormant. I've been using FS for around 10 years, and I've only ever done a very small number of full scans in that time (mainly because they take so bloody long!), but I've never had a virus which FS hasn't blocked. :)

  • Larson
    Larson Posts: 5 Observer

    Hallo Ukko,

    Thx for your reaction.

    I will follow the suggestions of Simons first. I think there is a good chance that he is right.

    If that does not work I will try look at other possibilities.


    The notifications of F-secure do not mention anything obout the missed scanning report/scans. The scans who worked properly were mentiond as usual in the notifications.

    I don't use the Gaming-mode so that can not be the problem.





  • Larson
    Larson Posts: 5 Observer
    Hallo Ukko, see my latset reply to Simon and you.
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