Cannot accesss a license that my father is trying to send me

Hey there,
My father has a subsciption which gives him 5 licenses to share, inwhich he has shared 3 so far. However, he has tried multiple times to pass a license over to me but we cannot manage to get it to work. We have tried multiple methods but none have worked, so I thought I'd put here what we have done so far:
Firstly, when he selected the 'add a person' method, he recieves an error saying that I already belong to a group which I do not. I used to be on his subscription however he removed me and it is now trying to re-add me, I have no idea if this has caused the problem but I thought maybe it was relevant information. I cannot see anything on my account that suggests that I am in any group and he cannot find anything that would suggest that I have any connection with his account anymore either.
Secondly, when he selects the 'add a device' I get the email that provides me with a download link for F-secure SAFE but every time I log in a merely get the error message 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.'. I uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled, reinstalled many many times already and still recieve all the same messages.
Thirdly, we've tried sending the subscription to a completely different email of mine and the download link seems to only give me some sort of trial version of f-secure, so I am thoroughly confused.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something and I'm just being silly but nothing seems to be working. When I searched how to pass along a license to another person it says in the instructions that we should select 'add a person' and I should recieve an email with the download link and a link to make a sub-user account, the latter however I have never seen any sign of or anything that indicates what type of account I'm creating.
I apologise if this doesn't make much sense, I have tried to explain it to the best of my ability. I would really appreciate any help that I can get. Thank you very much.
I suspect that you may need to open a Support Ticket for this, as F-Secure will need to check out the license status, so they will need the license and purchase details, which you cannot post on here.