license key

My  license is expired next week. Last time it was setup at 6 months.

Is this also this time automaticly renewed?


  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    Tes renewal is automatic
  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    We will be extending the licenses in a batch operation soon.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • FamousMarcel
    FamousMarcel Posts: 74 Observer

    @Ville Thanks for the quick answer.

    I have look and the license is been upgrated.

    I have now 196 days left, The license now expires again until December 16, 2016.: D.


    Thanks man, for the service.

  • Zachariaz
    Zachariaz Posts: 6 Explorer



    my FS Protection Beta license seems to expire tomorrow and Win 10 is telling it to me about in every 1-2 minutes.


    Are there coming update for extend Beta testing license for me or is it that you no longer need my participation?


    Or, is there some solution for that, that i dont find from here yet?


    Best regards and have nice Summer



  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser


    did you have a peek at My FS protection (FS account login) ? what does it say ? what'your current installed FS protection release ?

  • Zachariaz
    Zachariaz Posts: 6 Explorer

    Hi yeoldfart,


    My FS Protection site shows that iv'e installed 4 licens, 1 is available and The world ends tomorrow  Smiley Wink


    FS Protection ORSP is installed 28.08.2015 and Aquarius updated today and Hydra yesterday.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    I suggest you insall over with th latest available rls from centercode


  • Zachariaz
    Zachariaz Posts: 6 Explorer

    Yes, that same i think but I do not yet dare. I'll do that and tell how it went. Cya later and thx for the

    encouragement. Smiley Happy

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    You are welcome
  • Zachariaz
    Zachariaz Posts: 6 Explorer

    I do uninstall with F-Secure latest uninstall tool, allso take all PC-Laptop-Android licens off to MY FS-Protection site and then restart PC and clean registry with 2 program, then restart PC again and install FS-Protection with 11.03.2015 installer ( dont have newer ) and it shows same that tomorrow my world come to it's end :)


    Wont help to do clean uninstall. Smiley Frustrated

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    Sorry for you, all you can do is to fill in a bug ticket
  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    Sorry for you, you should create a bug report
  • Zachariaz
    Zachariaz Posts: 6 Explorer

    Yes thank you Mate for the help. Have a nice summer.

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