Questions before buying

Hi there, i'm wondering a few things before i might buy this Antivirus.
- Does it come with any modifier to the windows firewall at all?
- Is there any discount when you renew after license is out?
- Is it true that F secure bank protection protects fraud banks too? Read this in Pcmag review.,2817,2469593,00.asp
I will add more questions if i find anything of interest to ask about.
Thank you.
Sorry for my reply (probably you prefer to get response by F-Secure team).
I just decided to create some words based on my experience of using F-Secure solutions (and your questions).
Small "wording": If we talk about F-Secure AV (there can be another design and situation). If you indeed interesting just with F-Secure Antivirus solution - there can be another words (partly about Windows Firewall as example - but this is maybe need to re-check - maybe this is already comes with changes; and also this solution have just av-features).
I able to talk about F-Secure Internet Security (F-Secure IS) or F-Secure SAFE (for Windows desktop - this is basically same thing with F-Secure IS, but you also get management-points to rule licenses between devices and some other nice things).
About questions:
Spoiler--> Not really modifier-points for Windows Firewall.
But there have additional points/layers for improve Windows Firewall.
Such as... Windows Firewall work as should be (and designed), but F-Secure IS/SAFE can to improve it by next meanings:
---> There have some kind of web-traffic (with meaning p2p; application-based downloading or other) scanning. This is different with just web-traffic scan (as real-time protection or other). And work as additional for Firewall (this option able to work.. if you use another Firewall or Windows Firewall is disabled). Malicious files will be prevented by downloading any of applications (in fact - there can be troubles with f/n situations).
---> DNS checker (or something like that - not sure that this is will be normal name). Which can be as part of protection/work/checking against botnets (if your network-connection with troubles and known as part of botnet - or related things).
----> There have NHIPS (or around this) complex and technologies called as DeepGuard.
This thing have option- feature about "Ask when unknown application goes to try create network connection" (usually this-kind-of-feature can be different-point between system firewall and another one).
DeepGuard also work as protection against exploit and include other not just traditional layers of protection.
----> Some of "firewalls" can be as "content blocker". So module Browsing Protection of F-Secure... able to be as "content blocker" or (blacklisted for visit some pages). Not so greatest how it possible - but part of other layers.
All of this settings should be checked for work (for some need to "check it" under settings).
Possible... you do not able to create advanced rules or other (which you still able to do with Windows firewall) - but can be with additional layers/points around Windows Firewall for improve it.
SpoilerPossible yes (and not), because this is also based on some of local points, where price/offer can be with different size (or around).
I also mean that... F-Secure have official F-Secure Webstore (or other name), but this is possible to get by other places too (where can be another marketing-design and for continue-usage too).
And also there can be different points between F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure IS (where also possible to get different size of licenses by one subscription and time). And many other potential marketing points.
So.. you have to re-check this (if critical) directly with F-Secure Support maybe (as Support Ticket).
Or when F-Secure team create there normal response... and not just my suggestions based on experience.
Also there can be too much strange points about, when price can be higher (?!).THIRD:
SpoilerF-Secure's feature Banking Protection work not really like that.
BP-feature do not protect website in common meanings.
Banking Protection triggered under "trusted" known as banking (or related to banks) pages, which should be as "meaning" - page is safe and indeed related with trusted bank.
Also connection (network connections, some application actions and visit other not trusted pages) under system/browser can be restricted. Such as.. should be allowed just "trusted" and safe connections. All other temporary prevented.
All potential other meanings should be under "traditional" technologies of protection - keyloggers, malicious files or other... should be detected by other layers. This is possible.. that there can be f/n situations. This is not nice, but F-Secure one of companies, who can be with first-line of security software anyway. Most of potential troubles can be prevented and detected by F-Secure. Some of targeted attacks can be trouble for most of software. F-Secure have complex of layers for trying to prevent it. and create greatest protection for user (with careful usage of Internet by userand potential dreams that there can be some of advanced steps for improve).
What about article and ""protects fraud banks"":
I think there can be next points (and potentially this is can be situation, when Banking Protection triggered under suspicious/malicious/other pages):
--> This is can be some kind of vulnerability. I'm not sure.. if this is known for F-Secure or not.
I mean this is can be "vulnerable in design" and "exploiting" specially.
This possible... if someone transferred "fraud banks urls" to F-Secure SAS (F-Secure Labs) as banking pages.. and in somewhat reasons.... this is start be under "banking list" (or some kind of this). Meanings.. that Security Cloud have information about URL/link or other... as about banking/related-to-bank, which should to trigger Banking Protection and can be safe-rated page.
Or pages/banks started be to do worst things.
This is not nice... and possible can be as "vulnerability".
--> Or can be tricks.
When Banking Protection triggered in fact not about "fraud banks", but about normal-trusted banking pages. Such as... if there have "tricks" with resources/links/redirects-by-frame or other steps... which able to trigger Banking Protection (if browser/F-Secure software start think that user goes to visit banking page).
With current situation there one trouble: if this page is phishing... so it will be not nice - if not blocked by F-Secure Browsing Protection. If this is just "suspicious bank".... potentially... user have to think about work with known banks or other points around. And other words under previous point.
Article also include words (?) about missing for Phishing protection?! Not sure.. what certainly this mean, but basically phishing protection there should be as part of "browsing protection"'s features.
Phishing pages (partly same with suspicious pages) blocked as malicious webpages (and there have other variants to set-up Browsing Protection module under settings).
If malicious (phishing most likely can be malicious in meanings) page not known for F-Secure (or not rated yet) - user will be allowed to visit this website.
Browsing protection work mostly based on Security Cloud Reputation points. Pages with malicious/suspicious ratings will be blocked. Safe-rated webpages allowed to visit. Unrated pages (based on settings) can be allowed or denied by Content blocker.
This is can be same with signature-based scanning. If hash/signature is known for av-engines... file will be detected. If not... will be not detected (more often - just temporary of course).
All other protection layers should to help during this. As exploit-protection and other.
Sorry for my reply and hard to understands words.