Problem with login

I registered s beta tester in the FS Protection program and received an email with password to login to the My Fs Protection page but the password provided did not work. I pressed the retreive password option but I never received a password to my email. Thus I am unable to download the program and test it. Help anybody?


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    I'm not sure what the URL you have posted is, but I've always used to get to the beta login portal.
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Basically you have some of workarounds to get installers (as download software for platforms), but if you not able to work with login/password for FS Protection Account.... this is will be not helpful for install it.

    Also you have workarounds to get re-registration, but this is will be not helpful if your account did not activated in somewhat reasons.


    Just as re-ask (maybe link from mail-letter can be with mistake): Does you have page about certainly "FS Account - Log in" ?


    If yes... so I can to feel just next things:


    --> Re-check about "login" e-mail (there should be certain e-mail under login-form / or phone-number). And one-time password from letter (if this is will be not in use and re-changed).


    --> Also if retrieve password did not work. Possible this is means: e-mail with mistake (different from registered one) or something goes with mistake about activation:


    So... potentially this is mean:


    ---> Need to dream... and when F-Secure team get your topic - they able to re-check situation.

    ---> Or you able to fill/create bug-report under beta-portal as "some troubles with activation or other" - and will be re-check situation more briefly (with potential "information" about troubles with activation).


    Sorry for my reply.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser





    Not sure about reasons. But it's looks like that on current days - you should be also available to get temporary (like trial maybe) account/installation.


     So.. some of my previous reply-words can be outdated a little be.



    Later added: on current days... my previous still up-to-dated.

    And current words (under spoiler) already outdated.

  • fredda
    fredda Posts: 2 New Member



    I have exactly the same problem.

    And I submited a bug report on the 13:th of may - still nothing.

    Status: New..


    It's really anoying to get invited, and then BLAM!!! login doesn't work.


    But, I hope for the best :)


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser




    But already how some days... you should be able to create account as trial-one.

    This is enough for start use it "as temporary workaround".... if silence about report still there.

    On current days... this words (under spoiler) already outdated...

  • NoahCheng
    NoahCheng Posts: 11 New Member

    Hi, I am also a new comer here and just started FSP from this Monday.

    I just double checked again in my first email, yes, the same email with email/password for FS account. One thing I would like to remind you, did you find there is one big light blue icon with texts "Start using My FS Protection" in the bottom of this email? I installed FSP by just clicking this icon, then use the email/password during the installing process.

    Hope it could help you to solve the issue. Have a nice day.


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