
FSECURE me propose tous les 05 minuites d'effacer un fichier dont je suis l'auteur et qui n'est pas un virus... je demande juste qu'il soit bloqué mais il revient toujours au même fichier, il n'a pas la possibilité d'exclure ce fichier de toute analyse!!
Pack Antivirus 16.1 c'est la version dont je dispose
Firstly, this is an English language forum, so please post any further responses to this thread in English.
Secondly, you have posted in the News & Feedback section, which is incorrect. If you would like support with a product, please post in the correct section, which is: - assuming you are referring to F-Secure SAFE.
In order to try to help, I have done a rough Google translation of your post, which is as follows:
"FSecure offers me every 05 minuites to delete a file which I am the author and is not a virus ... I just ask that it be blocked but it still amounts to the same file , it does not the ability to exclude this file from any analysis !! Pack Antivirus 16.1 is the version that I have."
F-Secure will not allow the execution of any file it detects to be malicious, even if you 'allow' it with an Exceptions rule. What you will need to do is Submit a Sample of the .exe file to the F-Secure labs, and they will then whitelist it for you, assuming it is safe.
Apologies if I have misunderstood your question, and have given wrong information. If that is the case, then please repost in the correct section, and in English.