Problem installing Updates

Windows 7, F-Secure Intenet Security latest version.
A few days ago I upgraded F-Secure Internet Security. After Reboot the Windows Taskbar showed me 2 Problem. Both were: Antivirus F-Secure update (important). I did, nothing happended. Open F-Secure it shows: Written in red, a great X"Ihr Computer ist nicht geschützt", your computer is not safe. Last update today 19:52.
clicking "Tools", details it shows Hydra, Aquarius, Gemini and DeepGuard are not installed.
When I try to search manual for Updates, it says Everything is fine. But Windows and F-Secure Startscreen say NO. The last successful update was 04.05.2016 Safe Search. What should I do?
Thanks for your help.
Have you rebooted the machine since the last update? If not, that is the first thing I would try.
If you have already rebooted, the next thing to check would be that you have all of your critical Windows Updates up to date and installed.
If neither of the above helps, then you could try the FSUA reset tool, followed by the fsdbupdate tool, which can be found here:
Let us know how you get on.