scan not working

phoedra91 Posts: 2 Observer

I keep getting this and I've restarted several times


F-secure error.png




  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
    So, presumably a scheduled scan hasn't been started? Do you have scheduling enabled? Are you able to right click and scan any files or folders manually? Finally, just checking, but do you have any other security or anti virus software on the machine?

    Sorry for all the questions. Hopefully someone will come up with some ideas with more information.

    Just to say, though, I know this doesn't answer your issue, but it isn't really necessary to do regular full scans, as FS would block anything malicious anyway, should it try to execute, and a virus can't cause any harm until it is executed.
  • Chameni
    Chameni Posts: 236 Moderator


    Hello phoedra91,


    Glad to know it is working now, please monitor on this and revert back if the issue persist.


    @Simon Thank You Smiley Happy



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