Search by F-Secure 1.06.116 update stops Google Calander & Sheets from loading properly.

I re-check situation with my system and how I can to understand:
-> trouble indeed with Browsing protection extension (just with this extension?!).
And as workaround maybe there can be next:
--> Goes to Browsing Protection Settings (from Main UI - Browsing Protection) and choose first tab about "Browsing protection", where we able to turn off (uncheck it) next option:
""Show the reputation rating for web sites in search results (Google, Yahoo, and Bing)"".
Potentially is "checked" and potentially.. this is a "reason" for current trouble.
For example, I can to use this workaround and when I uncheck this option... Google Sheets work probably normal (I do not use this and I just get also stuck with "add table" and other things, when goes to try to use it; when option is unchecked... I able to add table and probably Google Sheets works normally).
Maybe this is more nice workaround, than disabled all features of extension.
And also maybe this is just my experience and will be not work with other?!
Thanks. and sorry for reply. -
This is certainly can not be a solution... just as a temporary workaround (which can be more nice, than full disabled extension);
Solution can be just when F-Secure team will be able to fix trouble and to release extension-update (?!).
But I also can to think that there should be same troublepoint with other browsers too. In fact - I able to repeat same trouble with Internet Explorer (but I have also there other known trouble.. based on extension too). And maybe with Google Chrome. Maybe this is based not totally on extension (if this is work before).
Strange that there was words just about Firefox.
If you disable the addon from Firefox, it's disabled only for the next opened session of Firefox. When you restart the Firefox once again, the addon is turned on. The problem remains....
1) Disable F-Secure Browsing Protection (Tools > Addons ...)
2) Restart Firefox -> Addon is disabled
3) Restart Firefox again -> Addon is auomatically turned on again. WHY?
Let me know how exactly to remove or disable this extension then?
I really would like to get back the old setup:
1) Banking protection turned on.
2) Browsing protection disabled (as filtering Google searches)
Related to this(?):
Sorry for my ask.
But does your Firefox up-to-date? Potentially F-Secure can to full-support just latest two main releases of Firefox.
Maybe if you have some of previous ones... maybe this is can be some of trouble-reasons and as result "auto-enabled" after restart browser. Or like other potential reason: auto-handle extensions option under F-Secure Browsing Protection features with "Extensions"-tabs (this is more helpful for step after reinstallation extensions. And this is not work as "auto-enabled" after manual disabled, but this is maybe just with my experience).
Also I do not use any of sync-points around browsers.
For get temporary normal work (for time, when 'fix?! or re-change' not comes yet; or normal description about trouble will be created by F-Secure team) with F-Secure and Google Sheets... possible to just uncheck "Show rating-pictures under search results google/bing/yahoo". And possible to stay "turned on"-status for extension (as potential helpful point for other layers/additional things, which provided by extension).
Banking Protection should work anyway (not based on extension) with common meanings.
Or this is workaround did not work too (and/or another workaround: to use browser with NoPrivate-feature-mode)?
What solved the problem for me WITHOUT disabling the plug in was this:
(I am not sure all steps are needed)
1) in firefox, go to add-on, and disable the plugin. (I left FF running.)
2) Go to F-secure program: "F-secure internet security for windows"
3) Select (at the bottom) : "Online safity"
4) click "settings"
5) Under "other" you see "browser extensions", select "reinstall browsers extensions"
6) Wait a while, close the stuff, and restart firefox.
Now my Goocle calender works, and I have f-secure still checking for malware.
Erwin Moller
Thanks ErwinMoller,
This works for me on both my laptops.Cheers
I received an email in regards to my problem with Browsing Protection by F-Secure 2.160.3975 extension in Firefox. This is what they told me.
"With regards to your inquiry, We would like to informed you that the issue reported regarding Browsing Protection by F-Secure 2.160.3975 is now a known issue.
However, we would like to inform you that this issue is now resolved on the next release of Browsing Protection version 2.162.4005."
So we just have to wait for the release. -
Or just reinstall it, like I described above, and be done with it. ;-)
@simonsaysgo wrote:I received an email in regards to my problem with Browsing Protection by F-Secure 2.160.3975 extension in Firefox. This is what they told me.
"With regards to your inquiry, We would like to informed you that the issue reported regarding Browsing Protection by F-Secure 2.160.3975 is now a known issue.
However, we would like to inform you that this issue is now resolved on the next release of Browsing Protection version 2.162.4005."
So we just have to wait for the release. -