Automatic Updates

alconsvr Posts: 26 Observer



Just renewed and upgraded to IS 2012.  But a few things are really annoying in the new version. First is the lack of an automatic update defeat, which is a big problem when I am plugged in to my work secure network. Yes I know the need for up to date data. The other change is the lack of an unload/reload feature. When testing software/network connections etc this is a really useful feature. I also notice that the warning triangle is missing on the tray icon when scan/firewall is switched off. Is this correct?




  • Ho alconsvr.   "lack of an automatic update defeat". Can you please elaborate? Did you mean that there is no option for autmatic updates? 

  • alconsvr
    alconsvr Posts: 26 Observer

    @flogger wrote:

    Ho alconsvr.   "lack of an automatic update defeat". Can you please elaborate? Did you mean that there is no option for autmatic updates? 


    No. I mean there is no option to turn off automatic updates.

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