SAFE Windows 10 taskbar icon

W10 does not show F-Secure SAFE taskbar icon. It does not recognize the application at all, it is not listed on turn on-off applications on taskbar icon list. Re-installing SAFE does not help. However, SAFE is still running normally. W10 security center reports it is working and it is in any case responding normally.
Is there a little arrow next to your system tray icons to show hidden icons? If you click that, there should also be a 'Customise' button, in which you can select which icons to show. It might just be worth checking there to see if the F-Secure icon has become 'hidden', as I believe it should be set to show by default.
I should add, I'm on a Windows 7 machine at the moment, but I assume the hidden icons are still accessed the say way in Windows 10.
I should also say that this is just a guess, and it may well be a wild goose chase, but probably just worth checking all the same.
I think that F-Secure tray-picture should be hidden under "arrow"-picture (as previous reply have steps to get this). I mean... can be.. because by first installation.. this is will be under hidden-menu.
I can to think that with Windows 10 you able just to choose or it will be "visible" under taskbar or under "hidden"-menu. When process is active... tray-picture should be visible.
If this is not work with your installation and you not able to get tray-picture under hidden-place (and re-place it to taskbar or re-check this with Windows 10 Settings. Potentially: Main Settings - System - Notifications/other)... probably will be nice to create a Support Ticket for F-Secure Support.
Hi, thank you both. Unfortunately there is no "second" hidden menu anywhere. I know what you are meaning, that basic feature. The one and only I can turn on and off easily but there is no F-Secure symbol. I created ticket to F-Secure support with some screen shots attached. Let see if they can figure this out.