fsecure internet security does not work anymore

I've been using F-Secure for years with satisfaction and my license is still ok for at least 1 year (3 computers but only mine on windows 10).
My new Asus ROG is working on Windows 10. I installed F-Secure Internet Security on it a few weeks ago. All was fine until yesterday when at opening the computer I got the following messages:
unable to run , missing msvcr110.dll, then missing msvcp110.dll and then trigger.exe not running.
I tried to repair, not working. I tried to uninstall and re install: impossible to access due to missing trigger.exe.
I checked the Windows/syswow64 and all files are there but visibly not recognised.
I downloaded them (except Trigger.exe which i could not find) but nothing goes.
I also downloaded vcredistx86 just in case from microsoft
Please, have you got an idea for me? It looks like my antivirus is down...
Thanks for your help
Hello Valoche,
Can you make sure to have only the dll matching your Operating System(64 or 32 bits).
If that doesn't help, could you open a support ticket so that we can investigate better this problem.
Make sure to include an fsdiag to speed up the investigation.
Thank you for your message. After I posted yesterday, I found a tool on the fs community and could uninstall F Secure. But, I could not re- install it! It failed the 3 times I tried. Obviously, I cannot run the fsdiag anymore as you mentionned it....
I'll try again tonight. I'll also give you my config so that you can probably help me better.